Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Shazam foy the song lovers out there

Heard a song playing somewhere and the song is stuck in your head and you don’t know the name of the song. What are your possible option’s to find the song.
A. Go to Google and type in all the word’s you remember from the song and hope to find the song
B. Let shazam help you.

Shazam is an app that hears the song, goes online and find the song in its library. And voila you have the song you loved when you first heard it. So what are the basic things you need for this app to work are as follow’s
1.       A working internet connection on your mobile
2.       An android, ios,  black berry or Symbian S40 operating system in your mobile
3.       At least 15 to 20 second clipping of the song you want shazam to find
So this is all you need to find the perfect song you loved.  

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