Rovio has made an official announcement on premiering an all new animated cartoon series, Angry Birds Toon on coming March 16 and 17. Rovio’s new video teaser of the cartoon series comes with similar story line projecting the Birds and the mischievous green pigs, and hinting at their never ending fight with each other.
After changing the face of mobile games with its iconic Angry Birds game, featuring a set of angry birds with destructive powers hitting themselves against the pigs that stole their eggs, the application developer has introduced various Angry Bird properties, one of which is this animated cartoon. The trailer of the cartoon series shows off the Birds resting in peace, enjoying with each other and nurturing their eggs, while the army of notorious pigs prepare for some attack on these.
The series will start from this March but unlike other cartoon series, will follow a different distribution channel as it will be featured through the Angry Birds mobile app. Rovio has been reported to air the whole cartoon series in 52 short-episodes in a year.
Now that the rumors of the Angry Birds Toon series have finally turned into the reality, we are hoping to soon see John Cohen’s directed Angry Birds movie, expecting a release in 2016.
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